
What is NavigatingTwenties?

NavigatingTwenties is a blog that discusses just that – navigating your twenties. As a 28 year old female, I have lived through the majority of my 20s not knowing what I’m doing and feeling lost and this is absolutely normal but we aren’t told this. So I am here to dive into the weirdness of the 20s that is actually complete normality and shove it down your throats that you are FINE.

I am not here to provide gospels for you to live off but I have made enough mistakes to give some pretty solid advice. I will be sharing all of my experiences and what I have learned from them to give some insight into what your 20s can look like and hopefully help build your confidence and self-love along the way. I know I would have loved someone brutally honest with me as I was living through my twenties so here I am giving you the gift that has been missing from SO many lives before..

Why now?

I have suffered with mental health and alcohol and drug issues in my twenties as well as relationship problems (both partners and friends) and basically just my whole life falling apart (or it seeming like it!) but I have successfully navigated it and now I have a mortgage with my long term partner, a good paying job and all is really well. I understand that I have learned SO much in the last few years of my life and I really want to share it with those who are facing similar issues or who just need a bit of encouragement or advice from time-to-time.