My 2024 ‘ins’ included having a tidy home and a huge part of this is decluttering. I find it so hard to maintain a tidy home due to having loads of stuff. I’m very sentimental and like to keep everything from my past and that I might need in the future. Lately I’ve been trying to fight this as I want to empty my home of things holding me back and make room for positive energy to be able to flow through.
I am going to record what I have done, starting with this post, and share some tips on how to declutter and get your house in order.
Yesterday I started with the garden. There has been a load of stuff in there ready to go to the tip so I decided to take 10 minutes to fill the car up. I couldn’t bring myself to go and empty it but had the energy to go today instead. I suppose the point here is just do something today and you can finish it tomorrow. If you don’t start now then you may never start or will leave it until you get completely overwhelmed, affecting your mental health. Don’t let it get to this point and just do something.
The next point I want to make is to put systems in place to help you stay organised. My recycling bin was in the garden and the wind kept blowing the rubbish all over the garden so I made a simple change and put the bins in the garage to stop this. It took some effort and sorting out but I know now that my problem has been resolved and I can stop paying attention to that issue and focus on other things.
Today, I sorted 3 boxes from the garage and emptied the car up the tip so that’s a result!
Stay tuned for the next instalment and some more decluttering revelations!
Here’s to navigating the Clean home in 2024! X
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